
Word Search :

1.a serious and sedate individual

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Word of the Day

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  • sobersided
  • soberness
  • soberly
  • sobering
  • sober up
  • sober
  • sobbingly
  • sobbing
  • sob stuff
  • sob story
  • sobralia
  • sobriety
  • sobriquet
  • socage
  • soccer
  • soccer ball
  • soccer player
  • sociability
  • sociable
  • sociableness
  • chemakuan
  • genus menura
  • collector of internal revenue
  • on the fence
  • dar al-harb
  • baker's dozen
  • baal
  • australia
  • green alder
  • blue false indigo

  • Idiom of the Day

    have on (something) or have (something) on
    to be wearing something
    "What did the woman have on when you saw her?"

    If someone matures and becomes adult, we can say that they have grown up.

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