
Word Search :

1.a man who is a respected leader in national or international affairs

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Word of the Day

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  • solomons
  • solomonic
  • solomon's-seal
  • solomon's seal
  • solomon islands
  • solomon hurok
  • solomon guggenheim
  • solomon
  • soloist
  • solo man
  • solresol
  • solstice
  • solubility
  • soluble
  • soluble glass
  • soluble rna
  • solubleness
  • solute
  • solution
  • solvable
  • bittercress
  • autotomise
  • atlantic halibut
  • caudal appendage
  • tetrahalide
  • treasurer's check
  • swanky
  • fructify
  • family brotulidae
  • metis

  • Idiom of the Day

    lie in wait
    to watch from hiding in order to attack or surprise someone
    The police decided to lie in wait for the bank robbers to appear at the bank.

    I tried ________ single thing I could think of, but it still didn't work.

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