
Word Search :

1.any of various moths with long narrow forewings capable of powerful flight and hovering over flowers to feed

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Word of the Day

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  • sphincter muscle
  • sphincter ani
  • sphincter
  • spherule
  • spherometer
  • spheroidal
  • spheroid joint
  • spheroid
  • spherocyte
  • sphericity
  • sphingidae
  • sphingine
  • sphinx
  • sphinx moth
  • sphygmomanometer
  • sphyraena
  • sphyraena barracuda
  • sphyraenidae
  • sphyrapicus
  • sphyrapicus varius
  • siraj-ud-daula
  • peritoneal cavity
  • colorimetric
  • farmer
  • control system
  • plumber's helper
  • relevancy
  • incline
  • distantly
  • anamnesis

  • Idiom of the Day

    through the mill
    to experience a difficult situation
    The man has been through the mill recently with his divorce and loss of job.

    What ________ do if you were in my position?

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