
Word Search :

1.having four equal sides and four right angles or forming a right angle
2.leaving no balance
3.characterized by honesty and fairness
4.without evasion or compromise
5.rigidly conventional or old-fashioned square adv.
1.in a straight direct way
2.with honesty and fairness
3.in a square shape
4.firmly and solidly square n.
1.(geometry) a plane rectangle with four equal sides and four right angles
2.the product of two equal terms
3.an open area at the meeting of two or more streets
4.something approximating the shape of a square
5.someone who doesn't understand what is going on
6.a formal and conservative person with old-fashioned views
7.any artifact having a shape similar to a plane geometric figure with four equal sides and four right angles
8.a hand tool consisting of two straight arms at right angles square v.
1.raise to the second power
2.make square
3.cause to match, as of ideas or acts
4.position so as to be square
5.be compatible with
6.pay someone and settle a debt
7.turn the paddle
8.turn the oar, while rowing

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Word of the Day

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  • squandermania
  • squandering
  • squanderer
  • squandered
  • squander
  • squamulose
  • squamule
  • squamous cell carcinoma
  • squamous cell
  • squamata
  • square and rabbet
  • square away
  • square block
  • square bracket
  • square dance
  • square dancer
  • square dancing
  • square deal
  • square foot
  • square inch
  • spenserian sonnet
  • anthropological
  • carbonisation
  • sss
  • nuclear regulatory commission
  • winning post
  • zoonosis
  • grampus
  • same
  • coffee fern

  • Idiom of the Day

    keep one's nose out of (someone's) business
    to refrain from interfering in someone else's business
    I try hard to keep my nose out of my friend's business.

    Pick the correct Antonym:

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