
Word Search :

1.the group of people comprising the government of a sovereign state
2.the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation
3.a politically organized body of people under a single government
4.the way something is with respect to its main attributes
5.the federal department in the UnitedStates that sets and maintains foreign policies
6.the territory occupied by a nation
7.a state of depression or agitation
8.(chemistry) the three traditional states of matter are solids (fixed shape and volume) and liquids (fixed volume and shaped by the container) and gases (filling the container) state v.
1.express in words
2.put before
3.indicate through a symbol, formula, etc.

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Word of the Day

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  • statant
  • stat mi
  • stassano furnace
  • stasis
  • stash house
  • stash away
  • stash
  • starwort
  • starving
  • starveling
  • state attorney
  • state bank
  • state boundary
  • state capital
  • state capitalism
  • state change
  • state department
  • state government
  • state highway
  • state line
  • building complex
  • pas de deux
  • womankind
  • deadly
  • julienne
  • criminology
  • refractive index
  • salty
  • fad
  • exogamy

  • Idiom of the Day

    ring in the New Year
    to celebrate the beginning of the new year
    We decided to ring in the New Year at my parent's house.

    When he woke up, he couldn't ________ his eyes because there was the tortoise crossing the finishing line.

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