
Word Search :
straw wine

1.sweet wine from grapes partially sun-dried on the vine or on straw mats

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Word of the Day

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  • straw vote
  • straw poll
  • straw mushroom
  • straw man
  • straw hat
  • straw foxglove
  • straw boss
  • straw
  • stravinskyan
  • stravinsky
  • strawberry
  • strawberry blite
  • strawberry bush
  • strawberry daiquiri
  • strawberry geranium
  • strawberry guava
  • strawberry haemangioma
  • strawberry hemangioma
  • strawberry ice cream
  • strawberry jam
  • docile
  • herbalist
  • unnoticeableness
  • bagdad
  • kenneth roberts
  • lucullan
  • brigate rosse
  • tigris river
  • policewoman
  • pseudoryx nghetinhensis

  • Idiom of the Day

    spell trouble
    to signify future trouble, to mean trouble
    The problems that we are having with our furnace spell trouble for the coming cold season.


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