
Word Search :

1.(biology) a taxonomic group ranking between a phylum and a class

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Word of the Day

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  • subpart
  • suborner
  • subornation of perjury
  • subornation
  • suborn
  • subordinator
  • subordinative
  • subordination
  • subordinating conjunction
  • subordinating
  • subphylum cephalochordata
  • subphylum craniata
  • subphylum pentastomida
  • subphylum tunicata
  • subphylum urochorda
  • subphylum urochordata
  • subphylum vertebrata
  • subpoena
  • subpoena ad testificandum
  • subpoena duces tecum
  • trigger
  • pongo pygmaeus
  • steady-going
  • cackly
  • pink fivecorner
  • ball cartridge
  • citric acid cycle
  • concepcion
  • william pitt
  • skewness

  • Idiom of the Day

    everything humanly possible
    everything in the range of human powers
    The doctors did everything humanly possible to save the man after the accident.

    I'm afraid I didn't ________ to finish it on time.

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    A will-o'-the-wisp is a flame of burning marsh gas that appears in boggy areas at night. It has lured many travellers to a muddy death when they have left the path to follow it, believing it to be someone with a light.      .. More >>
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