
Word Search :

1.an impression that something might be the case
2.doubt about someone's honesty
3.the state of being suspected
4.being of a suspicious nature

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Word of the Day

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  • suspensory bandage
  • suspensory
  • suspensor
  • suspensive
  • suspension system
  • suspension point
  • suspension bridge
  • suspension
  • suspenseful
  • suspense account
  • suspicious
  • suspiciously
  • suspiciousness
  • suspiration
  • suspire
  • susquehanna
  • susquehanna river
  • suss out
  • sustain
  • sustainability
  • protactinium
  • parochial
  • french ultramarine
  • commelinidae
  • interplanetary space
  • mercerize
  • skirt of tasses
  • clingfilm
  • flub
  • paigle

  • Idiom of the Day

    throw a monkey wrench into the works
    to cause something that is going smoothly to stop going smoothly
    My friend threw a monkey wrench into our plans to go to the lake for the summer.

    If I ___ you, I'd tell him what happened.

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