
Word Search :

1.a swimming kick used while treading water thrash v.
1.give a thrashing to
2.move or stir about violently
3.dance the slam dance
4.beat so fast that (the heart's) output starts dropping until (it) does not manage to pump out blood at all
5.move data into and out of core rather than performing useful computation
6.beat the seeds out of a grain
7.beat thoroughly in a competition or fight

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Word of the Day

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  • thralldom
  • thrall
  • thraldom
  • thraco-phrygian
  • thracian
  • thrace
  • thousandth
  • thousand-fold
  • thousand times
  • thousand island dressing
  • thrash about
  • thrash out
  • thrasher
  • thrashing
  • thraupidae
  • thread
  • thread blight
  • thread maker
  • thread-fish
  • threadbare
  • potentiate
  • thrum
  • practice of law
  • disparage
  • jean edouard vuillard
  • transcendental philosophy
  • quadraphonic system
  • ipsilateral
  • hsuan chiao
  • mythic

  • Idiom of the Day

    in the event of (something)
    if something happens
    In the event of a fire, everybody must immediately leave the building by the front door.

    She insisted ________ my leaving the room.

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