
Word Search :

1.the third canonical hour
2.the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one
3.one of three equal parts of a divisible whole

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Word of the Day

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  • tier up
  • tier
  • tiepolo
  • tiepin
  • tientsin
  • tien-pao
  • tien shan
  • tied up
  • tied
  • tiebreaker
  • tiercel
  • tiered
  • tiered seats
  • tierra del fuego
  • tietze's syndrome
  • tiff
  • tiffany
  • tiffany glass
  • tiffin
  • tiflis
  • kui
  • misconceive
  • association of southeast asian nations
  • spitsbergen
  • monometallic
  • dwelling
  • parka squirrel
  • underfur
  • crudeness
  • gabled

  • Idiom of the Day

    in arrears
    overdue (used for bills or money), late
    I have never been in arrears with my bill payments.

    May I come in?

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