
Word Search :

1.fear of the unknown or unfamiliar and of making decisions
2.fearfulness in venturing into new and unknown places or activities

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Word of the Day

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  • timid
  • timgad
  • timeworn
  • timework
  • timetable
  • timeserving
  • timeserver
  • timesaving
  • times square
  • times
  • timidly
  • timidness
  • timimoun
  • timing
  • timolol
  • timor
  • timor sea
  • timorese
  • timorous
  • timorously
  • nonnomadic
  • shammer
  • quiscalus quiscula
  • bavaria
  • chinese fried rice
  • large periwinkle
  • speller
  • disjunctive conjunction
  • electrocardiographic
  • american civil war

  • Idiom of the Day

    drop in the bucket
    a small amount
    The money that my friend repaid me was a drop in the bucket compared to what he owes me.

    A carpenter and a goldsmith ________ in our street.

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