
Word Search :

1.browned over by exposure to heat

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Word of the Day

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  • toast mistress
  • toast
  • toadyish
  • toady
  • toadstool
  • toadshade
  • toadflax
  • toadfish
  • toad-in-the-hole
  • toad rush
  • toaster
  • toaster oven
  • toasting
  • toasting fork
  • toastmaster
  • toastrack
  • tobacco
  • tobacco budworm
  • tobacco hornworm
  • tobacco industry
  • calcite
  • soliloquize
  • moorwort
  • cadiz
  • hayek
  • bennettitaceae
  • dalton's law of partial pressures
  • genus pastinaca
  • unmerited
  • nasalisation

  • Idiom of the Day

    party line
    the official ideas of a group (usually political) that must be followed by all members of the group
    The members of the political party were forced to follow the party line on most issues.

    S1: Kabir knew that Ramananda got up very early in the morning and went down on the steps of the 'ghat'to bathe in the waters of the sacred Ganges.
    S6: He said, "You have given me the mantra, 'Ram, Ram,' I have become your disciple".

    P: As Ramananda came down the steps before daybreak for his usual bath, he trod on the sleeping man.
    Q: Kabir at once jumped up and threw himself at the feet of the preacher.
    R: "Ram, Ram", he exclaimed in astonishment.
    S: One dark night, Kabir went to the 'ghat' and lay down on one of the river steps.

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