
Word Search :

1.situated beyond the moon or its orbit around the earth
2.unworldly or ethereal

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Word of the Day

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  • translucent substance
  • translucent
  • translucency
  • translucence
  • translocation
  • translocate
  • transliteration
  • transliterate
  • translator
  • translational
  • translunary
  • transmigrante
  • transmigrate
  • transmigration
  • transmissible
  • transmission
  • transmission channel
  • transmission control protocol
  • transmission control protocol/internet protocol
  • transmission line
  • lithographer
  • not to mention
  • dika bread
  • airedale
  • financial center
  • epicyclic train
  • resid
  • frictionless
  • sigurd
  • vascular system

  • Idiom of the Day

    curry favor with (someone)
    to flatter someone to get his or her help or friendship
    Our boss has been working hard to curry favor with the other members of the committee.

    The witness ________ everyone that he hadn't had anything to do with the crime.

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