
Word Search :
treasury bond

1.a debt instrument with maturities of 10 years or longer

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Word of the Day

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  • treasury bill
  • treasury
  • treasuries
  • treasurership
  • treasurer's cheque
  • treasurer's check
  • treasurer
  • treasured
  • treasure trove
  • treasure state
  • treasury department
  • treasury note
  • treasury obligations
  • treasury secretary
  • treasury shares
  • treasury stock
  • treat
  • treated
  • treater
  • treatise
  • hedysarum coronarium
  • judgement
  • vacuum bomb
  • deduction
  • viktor vasarely
  • gaea
  • laridae
  • troche
  • line of battle
  • vireo solitarius

  • Idiom of the Day

    feel (something) in one's bones
    to sense something
    I feel it in my bones that I will win the lottery this month.

    S1: The distinction between state or sovereign and government is developed by Rousseau with utmost exactness and accuracy.
    S6: Collectively, they may be called 'prence' or 'magistracy'.

    P: While state denotes the community as a whole, created by social pact and manifesting itself in supreme general will, 'government' denotes merely the individual or group of individuals that is designated by the community to carry into effect the sovereign will.
    Q: Government, to Rousseau, means executive power.
    R: The individuals, to whom this power is assigned are the officers or the agents of the sovereign.
    S: The goverrimeni is created not by any contract but by a decree of the sovereign, and its function is in no sense to make but e.ily to administer law.

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