
Word Search :
united states public health service

1.an agency that serves as the office of Surgeon General

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Word of the Day

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  • united states president
  • united states postal service
  • united states postal inspection service
  • united states post office
  • united states of america
  • united states navy
  • united states naval academy
  • united states national library of medicine
  • united states mint
  • united states military academy
  • united states secret service
  • united states senate
  • united states supreme court
  • united states trade representative
  • united states treasury
  • united states virgin islands
  • united states waters
  • unitedly
  • uniting
  • unitisation
  • unloading
  • genus polyprion
  • java olives
  • runner-up
  • martini
  • nauseating
  • long-lasting
  • new world sparrow
  • self-preservation
  • muscadet

  • Idiom of the Day

    have it both ways
    to do two things, to have two things
    "You can`t have it both ways. You must choose one or the other."

    Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:
    My parents always want to (make a bigger issue of something than it should be).

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