
Word Search :
urinary tract infection

1.any infection of any of the organs of the urinary tract

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Word of the Day

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  • urinary tract
  • urinary system
  • urinary retention
  • urinary organ
  • urinary incontinence
  • urinary hesitancy
  • urinary calculus
  • urinary bladder
  • urinary apparatus
  • urinary
  • urinate
  • urination
  • urinator
  • urine
  • uriniferous tubule
  • url
  • urn
  • urn fungus
  • urnula craterium
  • urobilin
  • channel capacity
  • huron
  • pancreatectomy
  • hendiadys
  • farley maidenhair
  • military adviser
  • robert king merton
  • safe and sound
  • stamp mill
  • northern lobster

  • Idiom of the Day

    show (someone) to his or her seat
    to direct someone to a place to sit
    The usher showed the man to his seat.

    May I ask you whether you have had a chance to ________ my case?

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