
Word Search :

1.the capital and largest city of Austria

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Word of the Day

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  • vie
  • vidua
  • videotape
  • videodisk
  • videodisc
  • videocassette recorder
  • videocassette
  • video recording
  • video game
  • video equipment
  • vienna roll
  • vienna sausage
  • viennese
  • vientiane
  • vieques
  • viet nam
  • vietnam
  • vietnam war
  • vietnamese
  • vietnamese monetary unit
  • vi
  • worldliness
  • ventral
  • medfly
  • immensurable
  • travel rapidly
  • cucurbit
  • garden spade
  • hylocereus
  • glossolalia

  • Idiom of the Day

    put the bite on (someone)
    to ask someone for money or favors
    The man is always trying to put the bite on his friends to collect money for charity.

    Student: Another problem is I don't understand ________ there are two words sounding the same T and one O and T double O.

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