
Word Search :
war power

1.an extraordinary power exercised (usually by the executive branch) in the prosecution of a war and involving an extension of the powers that the government normally has in peacetime

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Word of the Day

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  • war party
  • war paint
  • war of the spanish succession
  • war of the roses
  • war of the league of augsburg
  • war of the grand alliance
  • war of the austrian succession
  • war of nerves
  • war of greek independence
  • war of american independence
  • war room
  • war secretary
  • war to end war
  • war vessel
  • war whoop
  • war widow
  • war zone
  • war-ridden
  • war-torn
  • war-worn
  • gipsywort
  • orchidalgia
  • green lacewing
  • president george w. bush
  • capital of montana
  • flagellated protozoan
  • thesaurus
  • passkey
  • algerian capital
  • health profession

  • Idiom of the Day

    rain or shine
    no matter whether it rains or the sun shines
    We plan to go to the beach tomorrow rain or shine.

    You know the kind of things politicians talk about: health care, education, welfare and stuff ________ that.

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