
Word Search :
water star grass

1.grassy-leaved North American aquatic plant with yellow star-shaped blossoms

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Word of the Day

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  • water sprite
  • water sport
  • water speedwell
  • water spaniel
  • water softener
  • water snake
  • water skin
  • water ski
  • water skater
  • water shrew
  • water starwort
  • water stoma
  • water strider
  • water supply
  • water system
  • water table
  • water tank
  • water tap
  • water thrush
  • water tower
  • chalcidae
  • every so often
  • fluoroboric acid
  • good part
  • hastate leaf
  • veneration
  • punch bag
  • treatise
  • wahhabism
  • james harvey robinson

  • Idiom of the Day

    word of mouth
    orally from one person to another
    I heard about the new restaurant by word of mouth.

    S1: There is no transportation system in any city that can compare in efficiency with the circulatory system of the body.
    S6: Arteries are blood vessels in which blood is going away from the heart.

    P: The larger one goes from the heart to the various other parts of the body.
    Q: If you will imagine two systems of pipes, one large and one small, both meeting at a central pumping station, you'll have an idea of the circulatory system.
    R: These pipes are called arteries, veins and capillaries.
    S: The smaller system of pipes goes from the hbart to the lungs and back.

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    There are four main Blood types: A, B, AB and O and each Blood type is either Rh positive or negative. Blood types in the US Type O positive 38.4%, O negative 7.7%, A positive 32.3%, A negative 6.5%, B positive 9.4%, B negative 1.7%, AB positive 3.2%, AB negative 0.7%      .. More >>
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