
Word Search :

1.a commerical airliner with two aisles

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Word of the Day

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  • wide-awake
  • wide-angle lens
  • wide-angle
  • wide wale
  • wide screen
  • wide of the mark
  • wide area network
  • wide
  • widal's test
  • widal test
  • wide-body aircraft
  • wide-cut
  • wide-eyed
  • wide-open
  • wide-ranging
  • wide-screen
  • wide-spreading
  • wideband
  • widebody aircraft
  • widegrip pushup
  • preservationist
  • parietal pericardium
  • stemless hymenoxys
  • unpasteurized
  • ableism
  • superior mesenteric artery
  • genus cryptomeria
  • hermann
  • strombidae
  • armed combat

  • Idiom of the Day

    slip through (someone's) fingers
    to get away from someone
    My friend had a very good opportunity but it slipped through his fingers because of his lack of action.

    I've just been ________ here that man has been released.

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