
Word Search :
william henry gates

1.United States computer entrepreneur whose software company made him the youngest multi-billionaire in the history of the United States (born in 1955)

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Word of the Day

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  • william henry fox talbot
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  • william henry
  • william hazlitt
  • william harvey
  • william harrison hays
  • william harrison dempsey
  • william h. bonney
  • william green
  • william graham sumner
  • william henry harrison
  • william henry hoover
  • william henry hudson
  • william henry mauldin
  • william henry pratt
  • william henry seward
  • william herschel
  • william hogarth
  • william holman hunt
  • william holmes mcguffey
  • fifteenth
  • onega
  • soda niter
  • ballista
  • calendula
  • fraternally
  • nefarious
  • morris dance
  • scarlet pimpernel
  • distinctive

  • Idiom of the Day

    mistake (someone or something) for (someone or something) else
    to think that someone or something is someone or something else
    I mistook my friend's sister for someone else when I went to the airport. I often mistake one car for another car when I see them on the street.

    I know it is not nice to compromise but
    (P) if placed in his situation
    (Q) you can ' hardly blame him
    (R) for doing what
    (S) most people would do

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