
Word Search :

1.the craft and science of growing grapes and making wine

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Word of the Day

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  • winemaker
  • wineglass heel
  • wineglass
  • wineberry
  • wine-maker's yeast
  • wine-colored
  • wine waiter
  • wine vinegar
  • wine tasting
  • wine taster
  • winepress
  • winery
  • winesap
  • wineskin
  • winey
  • winfield scott
  • winfred
  • wing
  • wing case
  • wing chair
  • semifinalist
  • mahogany family
  • moot court
  • may fish
  • bulkiness
  • khamsin
  • judgment on the pleadings
  • humane
  • drake
  • sift

  • Idiom of the Day

    take a leaf out of (someone's) book
    to behave or do something in the way that someone else would
    We plan to take a leaf out of our competitor's book and advertise our product on the Internet.

    We ask the ________ of this vehicle to go back to their car as soon as possible and park their car in another space.

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