
Word Search :
woolly indris

1.nocturnal indris with thick gray-brown fur and a long tail

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Word of the Day

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  • woolly daisy
  • woolly bear moth
  • woolly bear caterpillar
  • woolly bear
  • woolly apple aphid
  • woolly aphid
  • woolly alder aphid
  • woolly adelgid
  • woolly
  • woolley
  • woolly mammoth
  • woolly manzanita
  • woolly monkey
  • woolly mullein
  • woolly plant louse
  • woolly rhinoceros
  • woolly sunflower
  • woolly thistle
  • woolly-headed
  • woolsorter
  • klorvess
  • adequate
  • carrion
  • shaggymane
  • abelard
  • socialist labor party
  • loveless
  • correlativity
  • lurker
  • aries

  • Idiom of the Day

    above reproach
    to be not deserving of blame or criticism
    The actions of the police officer were above reproach.

    All vehicles driving through this wild godforsaken region have been attacked by ________ .

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