
Word Search :
youth crusade

1.political or religious or social reform movement or agitation consisting chiefly of young people

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Word of the Day

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  • youth
  • younker
  • youngstown
  • youngness
  • youngish
  • younger
  • young-begetting
  • young-bearing
  • young's modulus
  • young woman
  • youth culture
  • youth gang
  • youth hostel
  • youth movement
  • youth subculture
  • youth-on-age
  • youthful
  • youthfully
  • youthfulness
  • yowl
  • biometry
  • order falconiformes
  • guardroom
  • dotted
  • maui
  • hypopitys
  • genus rupicapra
  • ungenerous
  • gator
  • natural gas

  • Idiom of the Day

    mark time
    to wait for something to happen
    My friend has been marking time for over a month now as he waits to hear about the new job.

    Pick the correct Synonym :

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