TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 14

TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test
General English Grammar Questions and Answers

1. The case has been ________ till next week.

2. He ________ smoking at his wife’s request.

3. The meeting has been ________ till next week.

4. All of a sudden the gun ________

5. The tiger pounced on the lamb and ________ with it into the thicket.

6. Chocolates are the real ________ of most people who want to lose weight.

7. After she married against her parents’ wishes, she was ________ by all her family and friends.

8. The dishonest cashier ________ with ten thousand rupees.

9. The father was furious at the son but was ________ by the mother.

10. She has ________ a lot of sufferings.

English Test

1. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 15
2. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 16
3. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 17
4. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 18
5. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 19
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7. Antonym Test - 02
8. Antonym Test - 03
9. Antonym Test - 04
10. Antonym Test - 05
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12. Antonym Test - 07
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15. Antonym Test - 10
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