Homonyms Test - 03

Homonyms - Vocabulary Questions and Answers.

1. The wine ________ had twenty years of experience purchasing and pricing wines from many different regions.

2. If there are three pedals on the floor of a car, the middle one is the ________.

3. When the ________ breaks the baby will fall.

4. Will that be ________ or credit card?

5. The letter was made secure with ________ wax that had the company imprint on it.

6. Let's ________ the hatchet and be friends.

7. In English, proper names always begin with a ________ letter.

8. This is a serious ________ of security!

9. The tree had one large ________ that looked strong enough to hold a swing.

10. Films must be screened by a ________ before they are shown.

English Test

1. Homonyms Test - 04
2. Homonyms Test - 05
3. Homonyms Test - 06
4. Homonyms Test - 07
5. Homonyms Test - 08
6. Homonyms Test - 09
7. Homonyms Test - 10
8. Homonyms Test - 11
9. Homonyms Test - 12
10. Homonyms Test - 13
11. Homonyms Test - 14
12. Homonyms Test - 15
13. Homonyms Test - 16
14. Homonyms Test - 17
15. Homonyms Test - 18
16. Homonyms Test - 19
17. Homonyms Test - 20
18. ESL-EFL Test - 01
19. ESL-EFL Test - 02
20. ESL-EFL Test - 03

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