ESL-EFL Test - 55

Quizzes, tests, exercises and puzzles for English as a Second Language (ESL), English as a foreign language (EFL), Teaching EFL (TEFL), Test of EFL (TOEFL), English for speakers of other languages (ESOL), Teaching ESOL (TESOL), TOEIC.

1. The old man ________ off the two muggers

2. The new hospital has more beds than the old one

3. The past participle of 'become'is ________

4. The past participle of 'choose'is ________

5. The orange juice is ________ the fridge

6. The others were expected to fail, but Maria even failed.

7. The part of the phone that you hold in your hand is called the ________

8. The past participle of 'bleed'is ________

9. The new laws will become ________ as of Friday

10. The music's very loud, could you turn it ________ a bit?

English Test

1. ESL-EFL Test - 56
2. ESL-EFL Test - 57
3. ESL-EFL Test - 58
4. ESL-EFL Test - 59
5. ESL-EFL Test - 60
6. ESL-EFL Test - 61
7. ESL-EFL Test - 62
8. ESL-EFL Test - 63
9. ESL-EFL Test - 64
10. ESL-EFL Test - 65
11. ESL-EFL Test - 66
12. ESL-EFL Test - 67
13. ESL-EFL Test - 68
14. ESL-EFL Test - 69
15. ESL-EFL Test - 70
16. ESL-EFL Test - 71
17. ESL-EFL Test - 72
18. ESL-EFL Test - 73
19. ESL-EFL Test - 74
20. ESL-EFL Test - 75

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