ESL-EFL Test - 137

Quizzes, tests, exercises and puzzles for English as a Second Language (ESL), English as a foreign language (EFL), Teaching EFL (TEFL), Test of EFL (TOEFL), English for speakers of other languages (ESOL), Teaching ESOL (TESOL), TOEIC.

1. I put a scarf on because it was ________

2. We _________ too late.

3. How many ________ there?

4. If I'd known, I ________

5. It ________ the boys who took it.

6. She isn't ________ to start driving until next year

7. Everybody ________ pleased.

8. The photograph didn't come out because it was ________

9. They ________ late.

10. How much ________ they?

English Test

1. ESL-EFL Test - 138
2. ESL-EFL Test - 139
3. ESL-EFL Test - 140

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