Sentence Completion - Test-05

Pick out the most effective pair of words from the given pair of words to make the sentences meaning fully complete.

1. Sachin ...... another feather ...... his cap by his wonderful performance in the one day match.

2. We have to ...... in our young men and women sense of discipline, which is a ...... for progress and happiness.

3. It is ...... superstition to suppose that knowledge can be ...... only by going to schools and colleges.

4. Disarmament and development in our time are ...... interrelated but ...... development will depend on a change in the world's political thinking.

5. It is not ...... to come across a man who can take ups and downs without losing ...... .

6. We must prevent endangered wild animal species from becoming ...... in order that our future generation may ...... the great diversity of animal life.

7. The Government has ...... a working group to ...... technological gaps in selected industries in the small scale sector.

8. Many of us who ...... rational - emotive therapy are ...... tense, angry or depressed.

9. ...... persons are inclined to ......

10. The boy felt ...... when be knew that he had been ......

English Test

1. Sentence Completion - Test-06
2. General Elementary English Test - 01
3. General Elementary English Test - 02
4. General Elementary English Test - 03
5. General Elementary English Test - 04
6. General Elementary English Test - 05
7. General Elementary English Test - 06
8. General Elementary English Test - 07
9. General Elementary English Test - 08
10. General Elementary English Test - 09
11. General Elementary English Test - 10
12. General Elementary English Test - 11
13. General Elementary English Test - 12
14. General Elementary English Test - 13
15. General Elementary English Test - 14
16. General Elementary English Test - 15
17. General Elementary English Test - 16
18. General Elementary English Test - 17
19. General Elementary English Test - 18
20. General Elementary English Test - 19

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