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13307. Island
Island : borneo
Location : west mid-pacific
Area : 725,545.00 sq. km.

13308. Island
Island : madagascar
Location : indian ocean
Area : 587,042.00 sq. km.

13309. Island
Island : baffin
Location : north atlantic
Area : 476,065.00 sq. km.

13310. Island
Island : sumatra
Location : northeast indian ocean
Area : 473,600.00 sq. km.

13311. Island
Island : honshu
Location : sea of jappan-pacific
Area : 228,000.00 sq. km.

13312. Island
Island : great britain
Location : off coast north-west europe
Area : 218,041.00 sq. km.

13313. Island
Island : ellesmere
Location : artic ocean
Area : 196,236.00 sq. km.

13314. Island
Island : victoria i
Location : artic ocean
Area : 212,197.00 sq. km.

13315. Island
Island : celebes
Location : west mid-pacific
Area : 189,035.00 sq. km.

13316. Island
Island : south islands
Location : south pacific
Area : 150,460.00 sq. km.

13317. Island
Island : java
Location : indiand ocean
Area : 126,295.00 sq. km.

13318. Island
Island : north island
Location : south pacific
Area : 114,687.00 sq. km.

13319. Island
Island : cuba
Location : carribbean sea
Area : 114,522.00 sq. km.

13320. Island
Island : newfoundland
Location : north atlantic
Area : 112,300.00 sq. km.

13321. Island
Island : luzon
Location : west mid-pacific
Area : 104,688.00 sq. km.

13322. Island
Island : iceland
Location : north atlantic
Area : 102,999.00 sq. km.

13323. Island
Island : mindanao
Location : west mid-pacific
Area : 94,226.00 sq. km.

13324. Island
Island : ireland
Location : west of great britain
Area : 82,460.00 sq. km.

13325. Island
Island : hokkaido
Location : sea of japan-pacific
Area : 77,900.00 sq. km.

13326. Island
Island : hispaniola
Location : caribbean sea
Area : 76,192.00 sq. km.


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Frisbee got its name from William Russel Frisbee, who was a pie baker. He used to sell his pies in a thin tin pan, which had Frisbee written on it. When Walter Frederick Morrison thought of the idea of making saucer like disks to play catch, he visited the campus of Yale and noticed people there were using the pie pan to play catch so he therefore renamed his invention to Frisbee      .. More >>
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