Now you Know

14185. Phobia
Phobia :
doraphobia : fear of fur or skins of animals.

14186. Phobia
Phobia :
doxophobia : fear of expressing opinions or of receiving praise.

14187. Phobia
Phobia :
dromophobia : fear of crossing streets.

14188. Phobia
Phobia :
dutchphobia : fear of the dutch.

14189. Phobia
Phobia :
dysmorphophobia : fear of deformity.

14190. Phobia
Phobia :
dystychiphobia : fear of accidents.

14191. Phobia
Phobia :
ecclesiophobia : fear of church.

14192. Phobia
Phobia :
ecophobia : fear of home.

14193. Phobia
Phobia :
eicophobia : fear of home surroundings.(domatophobia, oikophobia).

14194. Phobia
Phobia :
eisoptrophobia : fear of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror.

14195. Phobia
Phobia :
electrophobia : fear of electricity.

14196. Phobia
Phobia :
eleutherophobia : fear of freedom.

14197. Phobia
Phobia :
elurophobia : fear of cats. (ailurophobia).

14198. Phobia
Phobia :
emetophobia : fear of vomiting.

14199. Phobia
Phobia :
enetophobia : fear of pins.

14200. Phobia
Phobia :
enochlophobia : fear of crowds.

14201. Phobia
Phobia :
enosiophobia or enissophobia : fear of having committed an unpardonable sin or of criticism.

14202. Phobia
Phobia :
entomophobia : fear of insects.

14203. Phobia
Phobia :
eosophobia : fear of dawn or daylight.

14204. Phobia
Phobia :
ephebiphobia : fear of teenagers.


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The war between england and france, called "the hundred year war" went on between 1337 and 1453, which means that it actually lasted for 116 years!      .. More >>
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