Now you Know

14287. Phobia
Phobia :
kleptophobia : fear of stealing.

14288. Phobia
Phobia :
koinoniphobia : fear of rooms.

14289. Phobia
Phobia :
kolpophobia : fear of genitals, particularly female.

14290. Phobia
Phobia :
kopophobia : fear of fatigue.

14291. Phobia
Phobia :
koniophobia : fear of dust. (amathophobia).

14292. Phobia
Phobia :
kosmikophobia : fear of cosmic phenomenon.

14293. Phobia
Phobia :
kymophobia : fear of waves. (cymophobia).

14294. Phobia
Phobia :
kynophobia : fear of rabies.

14295. Phobia
Phobia :
kyphophobia : fear of stooping.

14296. Phobia
Phobia :
lachanophobia : fear of vegetables.

14297. Phobia
Phobia :
laliophobia or lalophobia : fear of speaking.

14298. Phobia
Phobia :
leprophobia or lepraphobia : fear of leprosy.

14299. Phobia
Phobia :
leukophobia : fear of the color white.

14300. Phobia
Phobia :
levophobia : fear of things to the left side of the body.

14301. Phobia
Phobia :
ligyrophobia : fear of loud noises.

14302. Phobia
Phobia :
lilapsophobia : fear of tornadoes and hurricanes.

14303. Phobia
Phobia :
limnophobia : fear of lakes.

14304. Phobia
Phobia :
linonophobia : fear of string.

14305. Phobia
Phobia :
liticaphobia : fear of lawsuits.

14306. Phobia
Phobia :
lockiophobia : fear of childbirth.


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