Now you Know

14320. Phobia
Phobia :
medomalacuphobia : fear of losing an erection.

14321. Phobia
Phobia :
medorthophobia : fear of an erect penis.

14322. Phobia
Phobia :
megalophobia : fear of large things.

14323. Phobia
Phobia :
melissophobia : fear of bees.

14324. Phobia
Phobia :
melanophobia : fear of the color black.

14325. Phobia
Phobia :
melophobia : fear or hatred of music.

14326. Phobia
Phobia :
meningitophobia : fear of brain disease.

14327. Phobia
Phobia :
menophobia : fear of menstruation.

14328. Phobia
Phobia :
merinthophobia : fear of being bound or tied up.

14329. Phobia
Phobia :
metallophobia : fear of metal.

14330. Phobia
Phobia :
metathesiophobia : fear of changes.

14331. Phobia
Phobia :
meteorophobia : fear of meteors.

14332. Phobia
Phobia :
methyphobia : fear of alcohol.

14333. Phobia
Phobia :
metrophobia : fear or hatred of poetry.

14334. Phobia
Phobia :
microbiophobia : fear of microbes. (bacillophobia).

14335. Phobia
Phobia :
microphobia : fear of small things.

14336. Phobia
Phobia :
misophobia or mysophobia : fear of being contaminated with dirt or germs.

14337. Phobia
Phobia :
mnemophobia : fear of memories.

14338. Phobia
Phobia :
molysmophobia or molysomophobia : fear of dirt or contamination.

14339. Phobia
Phobia :
monophobia : fear of solitude or being alone.


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