Now you Know

14386. Phobia
Phobia :
ornithophobia : fear of birds.

14387. Phobia
Phobia :
orthophobia : fear of property.

14388. Phobia
Phobia :
osmophobia or osphresiophobia : fear of smells or odors.

14389. Phobia
Phobia :
ostraconophobia : fear of shellfish.

14390. Phobia
Phobia :
ouranophobia or uranophobia : fear of heaven.

14391. Phobia
Phobia :
pagophobia : fear of ice or frost.

14392. Phobia
Phobia :
panthophobia : fear of suffering and disease.

14393. Phobia
Phobia :
panophobia or pantophobia : fear of everything.

14394. Phobia
Phobia :
papaphobia : fear of the pope.

14395. Phobia
Phobia :
papyrophobia : fear of paper.

14396. Phobia
Phobia :
paralipophobia : fear of neglecting duty or responsibility.

14397. Phobia
Phobia :
parasitophobia : fear of parasites.

14398. Phobia
Phobia :
paraskavedekatriaphobia : fear of friday the 13th.

14399. Phobia
Phobia :
parthenophobia : fear of virgins or young girls.

14400. Phobia
Phobia :
pathophobia : fear of disease.

14401. Phobia
Phobia :
patroiophobia : fear of heredity.

14402. Phobia
Phobia :
parturiphobia : fear of childbirth.

14403. Phobia
Phobia :
peccatophobia : fear of sinning or imaginary crimes.

14404. Phobia
Phobia :
pediculophobia : fear of lice.

14405. Phobia
Phobia :
pediophobia : fear of dolls.


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