Now you Know

186. Fact
Sterling silver contains 7.5% copper.

187. Fact
Cars were first made with ignition keys in 1949.

188. Fact
J.b dunlop was first to put air into tires.

189. Fact
Alexander graham bell, who invented the telephone, also set a world water-speed record of over seventy miles an hour at the age of seventy two.

190. Fact
It is energy-efficient to turn off a fluorescent light only if it will not be used again within an hour or more. This is because of the high voltage needed to turn it on, and the shortened life this high voltage causes.

191. Fact
The earth's equatorial circumference (40,075 km) is greater than its polar circumference (40,008 km).

192. Fact
Lake baikal is the deepest lake in the world.

193. Fact
Due to gravitational effects, you weigh slightly less when the moon is directly overhead.

194. Fact
The earth's average velocity orbiting the sun is 107,220 km per hour.

195. Fact
There is a high and low tide because of our moon and the sun.

196. Fact
The united states consumes 25% of all the worlds energy.

197. Fact
Flying from london to new york by concord, due to the time zones crossed, you can arrive 2 hours before you leave.

198. Fact
There is enough fuel in a full tank of a jumbo jet to drive an average car four times around the world.

199. Fact
The surface speed record on the moon is 10.56 miles per hour. It was set with the lunar rover.

200. Fact
If you could drive to the sun -- at 55 miles per hour -- it would take about 193 years.

201. Fact
The moon is one million times drier than the gobi desert.

202. Fact
Just twenty seconds worth of fuel remained when apollo 11's lunar module landed on the moon.

203. Fact
A boeing 707 uses four thousand gallons of fuel in its take-off climb.

204. Fact
The planet saturn has a density lower than water. So, if placed in water it would float.

205. Fact
Since 1959, more than 6,000 pieces of 'space junk' (abandoned rocket and satellite parts) have fallen out of orbit - many of these have hit the earth's surface.


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A top freestyle swimmer achieves a speed of only 4 miles per hour. Fish, in contrast, have been clocked at 68 mph      .. More >>
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