Now you Know
2204. Fact
Sperm have to swim 100,000 times their length to get a woman pregnant. That's the equivalent of man swimming over 100 miles in one go.
2206. Fact
Spinach consumption in the U.S. rose 33% after the Popeye comic strip became a hit in 1931.
2207. Fact
Spot, Data's cat on Star Trek: The Next Generation , was played by six different cats.
2208. Fact
St. Bernard dogs do not carry kegs of brandy, and never have.
2209. Fact
St. Paul, Minnesota was originally called Pigs Eye after a man who ran a saloon there.
2210. Fact
St. Paul, Minnesota was originally called 'Pigs Eye'.
2211. Fact
Stannous fluoride, which is the cavity fighter found in toothpaste is made from recycled tin.
2212. Fact
Starfish have eight eyes--one at the end of each leg. (
2214. Fact
State with the highest percentage of people who walk to work is Alaska
2215. Bharat Ratna
Bharat Ratna : rajiv gandhi
posthumous, former prime minister
Year : 1991
Region : new delhi.
2216. Fact
Stewardesses is the longest word that is formally typed with only the left hand.
2217. Fact
Strawberries have more vitamin c than oranges.
2218. Fact
Studies show that if a cat falls off the seventh floor of a building it has about thirty percent less chance of surviving than a cat that falls off the twentieth floor. It supposedly takes about eight floors for the cat to realize what is occurring, relax
2219. Fact
Sumerians (from 5000 BC) thought that the liver made blood and the heart was the center of thought.
2220. Bharat Ratna
Bharat Ratna : nelson mandela
second non-citizen and first non-indian, leader of anti-apartheid movement
Year : 1990
Region : south africa.
2221. Fact
Surveys say: nearly 10% of American households dress their pets in Halloween costumes.
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In 1964, University of Oregon grad student Carolyn Davidson designed what became known as the Nike swoosh; for a mere $35. She did it four years after Phil Knight and track coach Bill Bowerman founded the company they originally called Blue Ribbon Sports.
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