Now you Know

4499. Fact
Aluminum used to be more valuable than gold.

4500. Fact
On April 4, 1974, John Massis of Belgium pulled two New York Long Island railroad passenger cars totaling 80 tons with a thick rope, with a small bit attached, using only his teeth

4501. Fact
'Jedi'is an official religion, with over 70,000 followers, in Australia.

4502. Fact
In 1915, Winston Churchill fought in the front line trenches before he became the Minister of Munitions.

4503. Fact
There are 158 verses in the Greek National Anthem

4504. Fact
Some people have more bones in their feet than others.

4505. Fact
The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.

4506. Fact
India has the most post offices of any country with 280,181.

4507. Fact
In playing poker, there is one chance in 500 of drawing a flush.

4508. Fact
In Spit Bergen, Norway, at one time of the year the sun shines continuously for three and a half months.

4509. Fact
The complete skin covering of the body measures about 20 sq. feet.

4510. Fact
Just one in three consumers pays off his or her credit card bill every month.

4511. Fact
Of Chief Executives, only Benjamin Harrison was the grandson of a President.

4512. Fact
On a Canadian two-dollar bill, the American flag is flying over the Parliament Building.

4513. Fact
Your home is ten times more likely to have a fire than be burglarized.

4514. Fact
A man named Charles Osborne had the hiccups for 69 years.

4515. Fact
Former President Cleveland defeated incumbent Benjamin Harrison in 1892, becoming the first (and, to date, only) chief executive to win non-consecutive terms to the White House.

4516. Fact
Coffee, as a world commodity, is second only to oil.

4517. Fact
Despite a population of over a billion, China has only about 200 family names.

4518. Fact
The f-word is used 257 times in the movie Pulp Fiction.


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