Now you Know

6534. Fact
Running cold water over the onion and the knife will keep you from crying when you cut it, because water neutralizes the chemical that makes you cry.

6535. Fact
The average male loses his virginity at age 16, while the average female loses her virginity at age 17.

6536. Fact
The world record for time without sleep is 264 hours ( ~11 days) by Randy Gardner in 1965

6537. Fact
It is possible to lead a cow up stairs, but not down.

6538. Fact
When the Pez mint dispenser was first introduced it was meant to replace the activity of smoking

6539. Fact
Annually a thousand people are killed by scorpions in Mexico

6540. Fact
The International Space Station weighs about 500 tons and is the same size as a football field.

6541. Fact
In North Andover, Massachusetts citizens are prohibitied from carrying 'space guns.'

6542. Fact
The abbreviation Xmas for the word Christmas is of Greek origin. Since the word for Christ in the Greek language is Xristos, which starts with the letter X, they started putting the X in place of Christ and came up with the short form for the word Christmas

6543. Fact
The largest cell in the human body is the female ovum, or egg cell. It is about 1/180 inch in diameter. The smallest cell in the human body is the male sperm. It takes about 175,000 sperm cells to weigh as much as a single egg cell.

6544. Fact
A regulation baseball has exactly 108 stitches

6545. Fact
The only food that cockroaches wont eat are Cucumbers.

6546. Fact
There are approximately 45 billion fat cells in an average adult

6547. Fact
often mistaken for hunger.

6548. Fact
On average, a person will spend about five years eating during his or her lifetime.

6549. Fact
John F. Kennedy was buried without his brain after it was lost during the autopsy.

6550. Fact
In Winston-Salem, North Carolina, it is against the law for children under seven years of age to go to college.

6551. Fact
The hair of men's beards are about as strong as copper wire of the same dimensions.

6552. Fact
One in every 9000 people is an albino.

6553. Fact
The average adult guinea pig weighs 2 pounds.


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Scientists are working on a microscopic robotic tadpole to deliver medicines – the tadpole would ‘swim' through the patient's blood vessels to take the medicine where it's needed.      .. More >>
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