Now you Know

657. Fact
The world famous opera house in sydney, australia was designed by the danish architect jrn utzon. It's covered with over one million white ceramic tiles, manufactured by the swedish company hgans.

658. Fact
Do you want to buy a camel? The largest exporter of camels in the western world is norway.

659. Fact
Your eyes remain the same in size from the day you are born to the day you die. Your nose and ears, however, never stop growing.

660. Fact
The tame cat came to scandinavia about 1,500 years ago. Before that one often had - a tame snake!

661. Fact
Every year, more people get killed by donkeys than by plane crashes.

662. Fact
You need 150,000 saffron crocuses to get two pounds of saffron.

663. Fact
The sperm whale has the largest brain of all animals in the world. It weighs 20 pounds.

664. Fact
Frogs never drink water. They get all the fluid they need by living in a wet and moist environment.

665. Fact
The largest concentration of animals ever observed was a huge swarm of grasshoppers in 1879. The swarm was the size of germany and contained more than 12,500 billion insects that together weighed about 55,000 billion pounds.

666. Fact
In relation to their size, bugs that belong to the species scarabeidae are the strongest animals in the world. When tests were done on the quite rare oryctes nasicornis, also known as "rhinoceros beetle", it was found that it could carry 850 times its own weight on its back.

667. Fact
A strange fashion color was created by the sovereign queen isabella, the daughter of filip ii of spain. In 1601, she swore not to change her underwear until the city of oostende was taken. Unfortunately, the occupation lasted for three years so isabella's underwear got the beige colour that today is known as isabella colored.

668. Fact
Dental enamel is the strongest material your body produces.

669. Fact
When charlie chaplin became famous for his movies, a lot of people started to dress and act like him. Even charlie chaplin look-a-like contests were held. Charlie participated in one himself - and won third place.

670. Fact
A starfish has very bad table manners. It turns its stomach inside out, by forcing it out through its mouth and over its prey.

671. Fact
The "black box" everyone is looking for after a plane crash is not black - it's orange, making it easier to find. Besides, there's not only one box, but two. One is used for recording all conversations and sounds in the cockpit and the other to save all data from the flight.

672. Fact
When you take a nap for an hour you burn as much energy as it takes to boil water for seven cups of tea.

673. Fact
The shortest war in world history was fought between great britain and zanzibar, the 27th of august, 1896. It lasted only 38 minutes.

674. Fact
If your heart muscle was required to work filling beer bottles in a brewery, it would be able to fill 1,600 crates of beer daily with 30 bottles each. And it would work, without requiring any repairs, for 70 years.

675. Fact
If you multiply the number of inhabitants in the usa by 2, you'll get the number of credit cards used in that country.

676. Fact
Adolf hitler had only one testicle.


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