Now you Know

6623. Fact
The rarest coffee in the world is Kopi Luwak, which is found in Indonesia. It cost about $300 a pound

6624. Fact
Onions have no flavor, only a smell

6625. Fact
Dentists have recommended that toothbrushes be kept at least six feet from toilets to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush.

6626. Fact
The 1st buffalo ever born in captivity was born at Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo in 1884.

6627. Fact
Before toilet paper was invented, French royalty wiped their bottoms with fine linen

6628. Fact
The city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is the only city where all major sports teams share the same colors (black and gold).

6629. Fact
The Barn Owls hearing is so highly developed that they can hunt for their prey in total darkness

6630. Fact
Charlie Brown's dad was a barber.

6631. Fact
Babies that are breastfed are more likely to be slimmer as adults than those that are not breastfed.

6632. Fact
In Belgium, 94% of children under the age of fourteen own LEGO products

6633. Fact
A 6 pound sea-hare can lay 40,000 eggs in a single minute.

6634. Fact
Colored diamonds are caused by impurities such as nitrogen (yellow), boron (blue). With red diamonds being due to deformities in the structure of the stone, and green ones being the result of irradiation.

6635. Fact
People of Salt Lake City eat the most lime-flavoured gelatin Jell-O in the United States

6636. Fact
A ripe cranberry will bounce. Another name for a cranberry is bounceberry

6637. Fact
During the era of Louis XIV, women used lemons to redden their lips

6638. Fact
There is a 1 in 4 chance that New York will have a white Christmas.

6639. Fact
In Tulsa, Oklahoma, it is against the law to open a soda bottle without the supervision of a licensed engineer.

6640. Fact
Che Guevara suffered from asthma.

6641. Fact
The largest animal ever seen alive was a 113.5 foot, 170-ton female blue whale.

6642. Fact
Frederic Remington's sculpture The Bronco Buster has a mistake in it: the cowboy is wearing his spurs upside down.


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Manhattan Island of New York City was purchased for $24 from the Algonquian Indians in 1624.      .. More >>
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