Now you Know

7750. Fact
In an year, an average American kid eats 46 slices of pizza

7751. Fact
When a queen bee lays the fertilized eggs that will develop into new queens, only one of the newly laid queens actually survives. The first new queen that emerges from her cell destroys all other queens in their cells and, thereafter, reigns alone.

7752. Fact
Missouri has been to most NCAA tournaments than any other college without reaching the final four

7753. Fact
The food that people crave the most is cheese

7754. Fact
Over 250 million Slinky toys have been sold since its debut in 1946

7755. Fact
In 1908, figure skating became the first winter sport to be included in the Olympics.

7756. Fact
Early sewing machines were destroyed by mobs or workers who felt their jobs were threatened by automation

7757. Fact
Shakespeare invented the words "assassination" and "bump."

7758. Fact
A speleologist studies caves.

7759. Fact
King Henry III of France, Louis XIV of France, and Napoleon all suffered from ailurophobia (the fear of cats).

7760. Fact
On July 4, 1776 (signing of the Declaration of Independence), King George III of England noted in his diary: Nothing of importance happened today.

7761. Animal Facts
A shark will eat parts of its own body that have been cut off or bitten off by another animal.

7762. Fact
King Henry III of France, Louis XVI of France and Napoleon all suffered from ailurophobia--fear of cats.

7763. Fact
According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the Finnish word SAIPPUAKIVIKAUPPIAS a soapstone seller is the longest known palindrome in any language.

7764. Fact
When Mount Vesuvius erupted in in the year 79, over 2,000 citizens of Pompeii ran into their cellars to wait until everything had ended. Excavators found them still there 1,800 years later.

7765. Fact
For 186 days you can not see the sun in the North Pole.

7766. Fact
There was once a fish caught in Delaware Bay with a watch still ticking inside

7767. Fact
The world's most common non-contagious disease is tooth-decay.

7768. Fact
Turtles can live for more than 100 years.

7769. Fact
In the U.S. the most common excuse made to get out of paying a ticket is to say they missed the sign


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