Now you Know

8911. Fact
The octopus'testicles are located in its head.

8912. Fact
Many hamsters only blink one eye at a time

8913. Fact
Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a novel with over 50,000 words, none of which containing the letter e.

8914. Fact
It is against the law in Oregon to get married in your bathing suit.

8915. Fact
A group of geese on the ground is a gaggle, a group in the air is a skein.

8916. Fact
Orcas (killer whales), when traveling in groups, breathe in unison

8917. Fact
Astronauts become between two and three inches taller when in space.

8918. Fact
Flu shots only work about 70% of the time.

8919. Also known as
Original name : jayaprakash narayan
Also known as : 'j.p'; loknayak.

8920. Fact
Ghandi didn't allow his wife to take penicillin to save her life from pneumonia but took quinine to save himself from malaria.

8921. Fact
Honeybees have hair on their eyes

8922. Fact
There are some species of snails that are venomous. Their venom can be fatal to humans

8923. Fact
Many cancer patients that are treated with chemotherapy lose their hair. For some when the hair grows back, it can grow back a different colour, or be curly or straight

8924. Fact
In 2002, the most popular boat name in the U.S. was Liberty

8925. Fact
Muhammad Ali won his heavyweight championships on three continents: North America, Asia, and Africa.

8926. Fact
65% of the candy that is produced in an year is consumed by American adults 18 years and older

8927. Fact
Pitcher Joe Nuxhall of the Cincinnati Reds hurled his first major-league game in 1944. Nuxhall, the youngest pitcher in major league baseball, was only 15 years, 10 months and 11 days old when he pitched that game against the St. Louis Cardinals.

8928. Fact
The Willamette River in Oregon is the only river on earth that flows it's entire distance north.

8929. Fact
On average redheads have 90,000 hairs. People with black hair have about 110,000 hairs

8930. Also known as
Original name : j.r.d. tata
Also known as : father of civil aviation in india..


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In 1988, a poodle fell from a high-rise building in buenos aires and killed three people. One got the poodle on his head, a bus hit the other and the third had a heart attack, watching it all.      .. More >>
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