Now you Know

9417. Fact
The right side of a boat was called the starboard side due to the fact that the astronavigators used to stand out on the plank (which was on the right side) to get an unobstructed view of the stars. The left side was called the port side because that was the side that you put in on at the port.

9418. Fact
The first suburban shopping mall was opened in 1922 by National Department Stores in Saint Louis.

9419. Fact
A person infected with the SARS virus, has a 95-98% chance of recovery

9420. Fact
There are 691 drinking fountains in the Pentagon

9421. Also known as
Original name : herodotus
Also known as : father of history

9422. Fact
The most used letter in the English alphabet is 'E', and 'Q'is the least used.

9423. Fact
Author Dr. Seuss wrote the book Green Eggs and Ham because the editor made him a bet that he could not write a book, which contained less than fifty words

9424. Fact
In Chinese, the words 'crisis' and 'opportunity' are the same.

9425. Also known as
Original name : giovanni baccaccio
Also known as : father of the novel

9426. Fact
Playing cards in India are round.

9427. Fact
Most lipstick have fish scales

9429. Fact
The first fashion house to be set up was in 1858 by Charles Worth. He opened his store in Paris with the idea of having pre-made gowns presented on models to his customers

9430. Fact
On average, 749 pounds of paper products is used by an American individual annually

9431. Fact
The word umbrella is derived from the Latin root word umbra, which means shade or shadow

9432. Fact
The horse shoe crab has blue blood which can be used to kill bacteria

9433. Fact
The state official motto of Alaska is North to the Future

9434. Fact
The largest hotel in the world is the MGM Grand, which has 5,034 rooms and is located in Las Vegas, Nevada

9435. Fact
The rarest chocolate bar in the world is the Porcelana bar. There are only 20,000 of these bars produced a year, and they sell for $90 per pound

9436. Fact
On an American one-dollar bill, there is an owl in the upper right-hand corner of the 1 encased in the shield and a spider hidden in the front upper right-hand corner

9437. Fact
In the United States, more than 4.2 million couples live together that are not married


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In Salem, Massachesetts sleeping in the nude in a rented room is forbidden, even for married couples.      .. More >>
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