Now you Know

9845. Fact
Our nerves system transmits messages at up to 300 ft. per second.

9846. Fact
Eating a banana at night can help in falling asleep

9847. Fact
It is illegal in Reno, Nevada to conceal a spray-painted shopping cart in your basement.

9848. Fact
The Eiffel Tower weight is approximately 9441 tons

9849. Fact
In 1890, there was no sunshine for the whole month of December in Westminster in London.

9850. Fact
The height of a bowling pin is equal to its circumference.

9851. Fact
More than 6,000 people with pillow-related injuries check into U.S. emergency rooms every year.

9852. Fact
Scientists have figured out that the speed of nerve impulses in the brain is 404 feet per second. If an idea is complex enough to take 100 nerve messages from one side of the brain to the other, the thought could be completed in less than a tenth of a second.

9853. Fact
Coca-Cola was originally green

9854. Fact
The great Gothic cathedral of Milan was started in 1386, and wasn't completed until 1805.

9855. Fact
Airbags are deployed at a rate of two-hundred miles per hour.

9856. Fact
Ringo Starr appeared in a Japanese advertisement for apple sauce. Ironically his name means apple sauce in Japanese

9857. Fact
Children laugh about 400 times a day, while adults laugh on average only 15 times a day

9858. Fact
On September 7, 1997, the first flight of the F-22a occurred.

9859. Also known as
Original name : henrik j. ibsen
Also known as : father of modern drama

9860. Fact
The average human body contains enough iron to make a 3 inch nail,sulfur to kill all fleas on an average dog, carbon to make 900 pencils, potassium to fire a toy cannon, fat to make 7 bars of soap, phosphorous to make 2,200 match heads, and water to fill a ten-gallon tank.

9861. Fact
In 75% of American households, women manage the money and pay the bills

9862. Fact
The closest star to the sun, Alpha Centauri, is never visible in the sky north of about 30 degrees Northern Lattitude.

9863. Fact
The names of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with (not counting the words "North" and "South").

9864. Fact
In 1980, a Las Vegas hospital suspended workers for betting on when patients would die


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