Now you Know
9882. Fact
It takes 72 minutes for the restaurant at the top of the CN Tower to make one revolution
9883. Fact
The kangaroo rat can cover ground at a rate of 17 feet per second. It can leap as much as 18 inches straight up and can switch directions at the peak of its jump.
9884. Fact
TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard.
9885. Fact
Cheerios cereal was originally called Cheerioats.
9886. Fact
The longest word in the English language is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconioses.
9887. Fact
In ancient Egypt, doctors used jolts from the electric catfish to reduce the pain of arthritis
9888. Fact
Pretzels were originally invented for Christian Lent.
9889. Fact
Sharks have survived on earth for about 400 million years
9890. Fact
Mount Everest moves approximately 2.4 inches (10 cm) in a Northeasterly direction every year.
9891. Fact
The state sport of Maryland is Jousting.
9892. Fact
The Europeans first added chocolate to their coffee in the 1600's.
9893. Fact
The Montreal Canadians of the mid-1950s are the only team to win five straight Stanley Cup championships.
9894. Fact
There are 318,979,564,000 possible ways to play the first four moves per side in a game of chess.
9895. Fact
The highest recorded speed of a sneeze is 165 km per hour
9896. Fact
The Oblivion ride at Alton Towers has a G-force of 5. Thats higher than the G-force of an average NASA take-off!
9897. Fact
There are more chickens in the world than people.
9898. Fact
Crayola Crayons currently has over 120 different crayon colours
9899. Fact
Cat scratch disease, a benign but sometimes painful disease of short duration, is caused by a bacillus. Despite its name, the disease can be transmitted by many kinds of scratches besides those of cats.
9900. Fact
A snail can crawl across a razor blade without getting injured. This is possible because they excrete a slime that protects them
9901. Fact
People photocopying their buttocks are the cause of 23% of all photocopier faults worldwide.
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