Now you Know
9905. Fact
Roman emperors ate flamingo tongues which were considered a delicacy. Also parrotfish livers, and pheasant brains were feasted on
9906. Fact
Women wear engagement and wedding rings on the third finger of the left hand because an ancient belief held that a delicate nerve runs directly from that finger to the heart.
9907. Fact
The dot above an 'i' is called the tittle.
9908. Fact
At - 40 degrees Centigrade a person loses about 14.4 calories per hour by breathing.
9909. Fact
The parking meter was invented in North Dakota.
9910. Fact
A women's heart beats faster than a man's heart.
9911. Fact
The biggest bug in the world is the Goliath Beetle which can weigh up to 3.5 ounces and be 4.5 inches long
9912. Fact
There are 38 peaks in South America higher than Mt. McKinley, which is the highest point in North America.
9913. Fact
The word assassination was invented by William Shakespeare
9914. Fact
The platypus and echidna are the only mammals that hatch from eggs. Both live in Australia.
9915. Fact
Lightning strikes about 6,000 times per minute on this planet.
9916. Fact
On Hilton Head Island, South Carolina it is illegal to shine a flashlight on a sea turtle.
9917. Fact
There's Arsnick(a dangerous poison) in dirt
9918. Fact
There is a type of coffin made that can be used as a wine rack or picnic table before its final use
9919. Fact
Chocolate can kill dogs; it directly affects their heart and nervous system.
9920. Fact
The Brownie box camera, introduced by Eastman Kodak, sold for $1.00 in 1900. The camera's 6-exposure film sold for 15 cents.
9921. Fact
Average age of top GM executives in 1994: 49.8 years. Average age ofthe Rolling Stones: 50.6.
9922. Fact
Humans have about the same number of hair follicles as a chimpanzee has
9923. Fact
It takes seven to ten days to make a jelly belly jellybean
9924. Fact
A woodpecker can peck twenty times a second.
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The greatest amount of bacteria on your body is hidden between your toes.
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