Now you Know

9941. Fact
When a porcupine is born, its quills are soft and mostly white, but harden within hours

9942. Fact
Actress Sally Field was paid $4,000 a week for her role in the TV show The Flying Nun

9943. Fact
Orchids have the smallest seeds. It takes more than 1.25 million seeds to weigh 1 gram.

9944. Fact
In the late 1800's, washing machines and butter churners were sometimes powered by dogs walking on treadmills.

9945. Fact
The Simpsons is the longest running prime-time animated series on television history

9946. Fact
The venom of a female black widow spider is more potent than that of a rattlesnake.

9947. Fact
Stinging insects kills approximately 25 people annually in the U.S

9948. Fact
Roman Emperor Caligula made his horse a senator.

9949. Fact
Teenage suicide is the second cause of death in the state of Wisconsin

9950. Fact
The first US Patent was for manufacturing potassium carbonate (used in glass and gunpowder). It was issued to Samuel Hopkins on July 31, 1970.

9951. Fact
About 500 movies are made in the US and 800 in India annually.

9952. Fact
The word checkmate in chess comes from the Persian phrase Shah-Mat, which means the king is dead

9953. Fact
According to Playboy, more Americans lose their virginity in June than any other month.

9954. Fact
In driving tests, women reacted to emergency options in.56 of a second. Men scored .59 in the same tests.

9955. Fact
In ancient Rome, it was considered a sign of leadership to be born with a crooked nose

9956. Fact
Stewardesses is the longest word that can be typed with only the left hand.

9957. Fact
The Sudan is the largest country in Africa. It covers about 967,500 square miles of the continent.

9958. Fact
The first commercial product manufactured in the United States and exported to Europe was a glass bottle made in Jamestown in 1608.

9959. Fact
To determine the percentage of alcohol in a bottle of liquor divide the proof by two.

9960. Fact
There are no hog lips or snouts in SPAM.


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