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Synonyms Dictionary

Synonyms Dictionary

Synonyms Dictionary


2. wall, rampart, bulwark, circumvallation, Fort. breastwork, Fort, contravallation; railing, balustrade, Fort, parapet, fence, palisade, Fort, stockade; moat, ditch, dike, dam, breakwater, pier, mole; bank, Fort. parados, Mil. earthwork, Fort, glacis; cordon, chain, cable, rope, boom, hedge; abatis.
3. protection, safeguard, fortification, defense, redoubt.
4. limit, boundary, confine, pale, bourn; border, frontier, periphery, margin. barrister,
n. trial lawyer; attorney, attorney-at-law, lawyer, solicitor, advocate, Law. counsel, counselor, counselor-at-law; jurist, legist, member of the bar, SI. legal beagle; pettifogger, Philadelphia lawyer, Inf. shyster. barroom, n. tavern, saloon, bar, bar and grill, taproom, alehouse, groggery, Brit, grog shop, Brit, public house, Brit, pub, Brit, local; All SI. gin mill, watering hole, dive, barrel-house, honkytonk, speakeasy, afterhours joint, U.S., Obs. blind tiger or pig. barrow, n. handbarrow, wheelbarrow, dumpcart, pushcart, handcart, cart, truck, handtruck, dolly, bartender, n. barkeeper, barkeep, barman, barmaid, bargirl; Usu. Facetious, mixologist, barter, v. 1. trade, exchange, swap, swop, bandy, commute, give and take.
2. bargain, deal, traffic, truck, dicker, haggle,
Scot. argle-bargle, higgle, chaffer, negotiate.
3. trade, traffic, commerce, buying and sell ing; business, marketing, merchandising, mercantilism, commercialism; dealing, transaction, exchange; bargaining, negotiation, truck.
4. goods, items, merchandise, stock, wares, articles, effects, stock in trade; commodities, produce, staples. basal,
adj. 1. basic, fundamental, radical, basilar, elementary; primary, Inf. gut, nitty-gritty, meat-and-potatoes, underlying, substrative, substratal; intrinsic, innate, inherent; essential, indispensable, necessary, vital, sustentative, supporting.
Physiology, least, minimum, lowest, bottom, smallest. base', n. 1. stand, pedestal, rest, bed; support, prop, stay, brace; bottom, foot, Fr. fond, Archit. socle, Archit. plinth, Bot. caudex; foundation, principle, basis, footing, groundwork, substructure, substratum, understructure.
2. principal, essence, essentials, main ingredient, core, heart, element, component; root, radical, origin, source, stem.
3. camp, site, station, settlement, home; anchorage, mooring; starting point, point of departure.
-v. 4. establish, found, form, build; ground, rest, root, fasten; hinge, depend, pivot, turn.
5. station, post, locate, place, install. base2,
adj. 1. low, mean, vile, sordid, bad, foul, wrong; depraved, debased, wicked, evil, iniquitous, sinful; debauched, degenerate, immoral, dissolute, demoralized, dissipated; abandoned, profligate, reprobate, incorrigible; corrupt, black-hearted, ignoble, sinister, miscreant, evil-minded; nefarious, flagitious, villainous, heinous, scandalous, flagrant, Rare, nefast, Archaic, felonious; disloyal, unfaithful, traitorous, treacherous, perfidious, unprincipled; disgraceful, shameful, contemptuous, discreditable, disreputable, dishonorable; reprehensible, blameworthy, culpable; scoundrelly, knavish, thievish, roguish; vicious, invidious, malicious, maleficent; contemptible, mean-spirited, Inf. low-down, currish; despicable, loathsome, abhorrent, odious, hateful, detestable, Archaic. caitiff; scurvy, insufferable, opprobrious, obnoxious.

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