cat. ovariectomized, oophorectomized, hysterectomized; barren, sterile, (esp. of a male) impotent.
2. impartial, unbiased, disinterested. See - neutral (def. 1).
-n. 3. steer, gelding, eunuch.
4. nonpartisan, impartial party. See - neutral (def. 6). -v. 5. castrate, asexualize, emasculate, alter, (of horses) geld, Inf. fix, Inf. cut, (of female animals) spay, (of fowl) capon; eunuchize, unman, effeminize, womanize.
neutral, adj. 1. (of a person or government) nonparticipating, uninvolved, disengaged, noninterventional; nonfighting, noncombatant, noncombative, pacifistic, peaceable, peaceful.
2. impartial, nonpartisan, nonparty, unbiased, unprejudiced, without favoritism, open-minded; unaligned, nonaligned, unallied, unsided, uncommitted, independent, (of voters) unaffiliated, free; disinterested, dispassionate, indifferent, unaffected, unimplicated; objective, detached, withdrawn, removed, remote, aloof.
3. indefinite, indeterminate, indistinguishable, unremarkable, ordinary, commonplace, average, run of the mill, everyday; flat, bland, dull, uninteresting, insipid, jejeune, SI. blah.
4. (of a color or shade) colorless, uncolored, hueless, toneless, achromatic, achromic, achromous; pale, washed-out, drab, Scot. and North. Eng. blae; white, gray, black.
-n. 5. nonparticipant, noninterventionist; unaligned state, isolationist; pacifist, nonfighter.
6. nonpartisan, independent, free thinker; impartial or disinterested party, detached or objective party, neutralist.
neutrality, n. 1. impartiality, indifferentism, unprejudicedness, lack of bias or favoritism, neutralism, open-mindedness; nonpartisanship, nonalignment, independence, disinterestedness, disinterest, dispassionateness, dispassion, objectivity, objectiveness, detachment, disengagement, remoteness, aloofness.
2. noninterventionism, nonparticipation, noninvolvement, isolationism; noncombatance, pacifism, peaceableness.
neutralization, n. 1. counteraction, offsetting, countervailing, counterpoising, counterbalancing, neutralizing, normalization; nullification, cancellation, annulment, undoing.
2. balance, equipoise, equilibrium; neutrality, normality, normalness, normalcy.
neutralize, v. 1. counteract, offset, countervail, counterbalance, counterpoise, make up for, compensate for; nullify, negate, negative, cancel out, annul, void, undo, overcome or destroy the effect of.
2. balance out, equal out, come out even; normalize, return to normal, recover,
never, adj. not ever, not at all, at no time, not at any time, ne'er; absolutely not, Inf. not on your life, on no account, under no circumstances, under no conditions, Inf. not in a million years, SI. when hell freezes over, SI. on a cold day in hell.
never-ending, adj. perpetual, eternal, everlasting, timeless, interminable, Sisyphean, endless, unending; ceaseless, incessant, unceasing, nonstop, uninterrupted, continual, continuous, unbroken; unremitting, unintermitting, relentless, unrelenting, persistent; recurrent, recurring, repeated, repetitious.
2. infinite, boundless, illimitable, limitless; immeasurable, measureless, unfathomable, vast.
3. enduring, lasting, abiding, Literary, sempiternal, aeonian, amaranthine, perennial; immutable, constant, unwavering, unfaltering, undiminished; invariable, fixed, durable, stable, permanent, perdurable;