General English Test - 27

General English Questions and Answers

1. The company has ________ several new policies recently.

2. The new supervisor has ________ the company with some exceptionally enlightening new ways of thinking.

3. A suck-up is someone who is ________ their superior in an attempt to gain favor.

4. The owners are discussing how they can cut costs without lowering salaries or ________ off employees.

5. The ability to present your thoughts in an organized ________ is critical.

6. Who is in charge ________ negotiations?

7. The condescending manner in which he addresses his employees is incredibly ________ .

8. Their vast efforts were ________ in the end.

9. Since last year my workload has increased ________ .

10. The operation is currently ________ some vast changes.

English Test

1. General English Test - 28
2. General English Test - 29
3. General English Test - 30
4. General Elementary English Test - 23
5. General Elementary English Test - 24
6. General Elementary English Test - 25
7. General Elementary English Test - 26
8. General Elementary English Test - 27
9. General Elementary English Test - 28
10. General Elementary English Test - 29
11. General Elementary English Test - 30
12. General Elementary English Test - 31
13. General Elementary English Test - 32
14. General Elementary English Test - 33
15. General Elementary English Test - 34
16. General Elementary English Test - 35
17. General Elementary English Test - 36
18. General Elementary English Test - 37
19. General Elementary English Test - 38
20. General Elementary English Test - 39

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In WWII, when allied armies reached the Rhine River the first thing men did was pee in it. This was pretty universal from the lowest private to Winston Churchill (who made a big show of it). Gen. Patton had himself photographed in the act      .. More >>
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