TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 12

TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test
General English Grammar Questions and Answers

1. In his address to the teachers, the Vice Chancellor ________ certain measures being taken to improve the quality of higher education.

2. History is replete with examples that prove that the Goddess of success smiles only at those who are prepared to take decisions whatever the ________.

3. Because of his caustic tongue, he was not at all ________ in his village.

4. The eminent lawyer ________ his success to his father’s guidance.

5. What we need to ________ is an export oriented economic structure.

6. The tyrant ________ everyone whom he regarded as a rival.

7. People who have never realized the importance of ________ decision making often find the work tedious and skip it whenever they can.

8. Australia is ________ all over the world for worldclass academic opportunities for international students.

9. You need all the will power you can muster to ________ the temptation to give up.

10. Rural poverty is ________ linked with low rural productivity and unemployment.

English Test

1. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 13
2. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 14
3. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 15
4. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 16
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7. TOEFL Preparation - Grammar Test - 19
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9. Antonym Test - 02
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